A crowd gathers at a New York Stands With Israel event in Manhattan on October 10, 2023. Darren McGee / Office of Governor Kathy Hochul
Israeli settlers have unleashed a wave of violence on Palestinians. With tax-deductible donations, New Yorkers can help equip them to carry it out.
By Chris Gelardi

Vigilante violence is at an all-time high in the occupied West Bank. Emboldened by the war in the Gaza Strip and backed by the military, Israeli settlers aiming to annex more and more of the Palestinian territory have launched hundreds of attacks, displacing people from at least 17 communities over the past month while soldiers and settlers have killed nearly 200.

And at least three New York nonprofit organizations are calling on donors to help outfit those settlers with combat gear, in a fundraising blitz funneling millions of tax-deductible dollars to the West Bank aggression.

New York Focus’s membership drive is happening now. If even one of our stories from this year helped you better understand how our state works, we ask you to make a meaningful contribution through a one-time or monthly donation. Every gift made now through December 31 will now be tripled. If you donate today, your gift will go 3x as far!

Kingston residents and local legislators outside a hearing on the Central Hudson rate case, October 2023. Augustus Artschwager / Courtesy of Assemblymember Sarahana Shrestha
Hudson Valley legislators and advocates are urging the state to reject the double-digit hike, arguing it could illegally stick customers with the bill for the company’s own mess.
By Julia Rock

Dozens of Hudson Valley residents showed up at public hearings last month and described an ongoing fiasco at Central Hudson Gas and Electric: inexplicable spikes in their energy bills, no bills for months and then multiple at once, automatic bank account withdrawals for thousands of dollars, and a customer service department that wouldn’t return their calls.

“It’s time for me to sit back and enjoy my life, and getting a $500 bill is insane,” said Pam O’Reilly, who is in her late 60s and lives on a fixed income, at an October town hall in Catskill. “Am I supposed to plant money and make it come from a tree?”

Now, Central Hudson is pushing for a steep rate hike that would cost its customers an average of $30 on both their gas and electric bills each month. Ratepayer advocates are urging regulators to reject the hike, arguing that it could illegally stick customers with the bill for the company’s own mess. They also cite a practical issue: Customers are refusing to pay bills that they still doubt are accurate.

We want to know: How do you experience state and local news? What is the news media doing well, and what are we missing? In what ways are the information needs of your community residents distinct from residents of other cities and towns across the state?

Please take a few minutes to complete our survey, the first 200 people to complete the survey will get a $10 gift card.



Copyright © New York Focus 2024, All rights reserved.
Staying Focused is compiled and written by Alex Arriaga
Contact Alex at alex@nysfocus.com

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