Who Knows Who Runs New York?

Thanks for a great 2023. To show our gratitude, we’re giving you a test.

New York Focus   ·   December 22, 2023
New York Governor Kathy Hochul, seated, holds a document that has been edited to read "New York Focus Quiz!" in front of a background covered in question marks.
How would Kathy do? | Photo: Mike Groll / Office of Governor Kathy Hochul | Illustration: Maia Hibbett

We cover consequential state agencies you’d never heard of before us.

We expose what happens to state money — and where the biggest tax breaks go.

We show how all this power affects millions of New Yorkers, from the most impervious to the most vulnerable.

Now we want to see if you’ve been listening to what we’ve been trying to tell you: Who runs New York?

How’d you do?

Voracious New York Focus readers will have encountered these facts before — though some of them might have been tough to remember. If you need a refresher, come back to our site throughout the coming week. We’ll be featuring our favorite stories from 2023. Answers to quiz questions lie within!

Also filed in New York State

Before Kathy Hochul paused it, the tolling program lost the little labor support it had when the Transport Workers Union withdrew its backing this spring.

More counties are turning to private corporations to run medical care in jails. The companies have deadly track records.

Rebecca Lamorte was let go by her employer in June, prompting the Assembly Speaker to place an upset call to her boss.