A landmark reform law was meant to overhaul carceral punishment in New York. Getting prisons to follow it has been an uphill battle.

The mayor is putting New York City’s landmark climate and jobs law in jeopardy, our columnist argues.

By liberally allowing landlords to purchase renewable energy credits, the new Adams rule would defang Local Law 97.

The city announced key proposed rules, making progress but also leaving a massive loophole unaddressed, our columnist writes.

The state’s own expert council, tasked with planning the law’s implementation, told the legislature to pass a gas ban this year. They were ignored.

An organizer for the Freelance Solidarity Project describes how getting a bill passed through Albany takes “running into a brick wall repeatedly, waiting for a tiny crack to show.”

In the raucous debate over bail reform, simple facts have fallen out of sight.

In 2016, the NYPD and federal prosecutors staged a massive “gang bust” that derailed the lives of dozens of young people — including me — while failing to improve public safety. Why is Eric Adams doubling down on this failed strategy?

Putting more police officers and metal detectors in schools won’t solve the crisis of youth gun violence. We need to invest in community-based programs to address the root causes of the violence.

I helped organize a strike at Rikers during the first wave. Those striking now are not to be ignored.

Many drivers will face financial ruin if the city cannot help them refinance their debts. Below are eleven of their stories.

The city’s taxi agency has ignored drivers’ demands and proposed a plan that the comptroller warns ‘would spend more money to forgive less debt.’

And that’s still vastly short of what’s needed.

Renters broke decisively for India Walton in Buffalo’s June Democratic primary, favoring an affordable housing advocate with a tenant-centered housing platform over a developer-friendly incumbent.

Where does the housing justice movement go from here?

Elected with real estate industry support, soon-to-be Mayor Adams faces a critical choice on New York’s landmark buildings emissions law.

As New York turns the page on solitary confinement, a reflection on what three decades in solitary cost one man.

The Economic Development Corporation manages city land in the service of private profit. We need a new approach.

Donovan has a progressive housing platform. But does it match his record?

Only big, strong, mean grassroots campaigns can turn this around