Robert Adams alleges that a guard sodomized him with a baton. A year-long investigation into his story uncovered a system plagued by retaliation and primed for abuse.

New York prisons have illegally sent at least 1,100 people to solitary confinement for infractions that aren’t eligible for the punishment, a New York Focus analysis has found.

A one-year extension could be the prison contractor’s last, ending a 15-year run.

Rikers staff repeatedly altered records to extend the clock on a 24-hour time limit for holding people in notorious intake cells.

When disabled litigants who can’t to come to court in person request virtual appearances, they often don’t hear back.

A landmark solitary confinement reform law created a new, “rehabilitative” type of isolation unit. In practice, they’re often little different from the solitary units they were meant to replace.

Lawmakers banned solitary confinement for people with disabilities. But the state prison agency has crafted its own policies.

The ruling, which isn’t binding on other judges but will surely be noted by them, was based on the 2019 bail reform law’s requirement that judges consider defendants’ ability to afford bail.

Five months after a law to scale back solitary confinement went into effect, a majority of the New York prison system’s solitary population had been held there for longer than the law permits.

The prison agency has stonewalled lawmakers’ requests for information justifying the policy.

Prison officials had already seen his genitals three times. But the superintendent ordered a more invasive exam, the lawsuit alleges. (Note: detailed descriptions.)

Janet DiFiore may have gotten a say in picking her interim successor, boosting a judge who has never once voted against her.

Janet DiFiore may have gotten a say in picking her interim successor, boosting a judge who has never once voted against her.

The Monroe County legislature’s president, Sabrina LaMar, has denigrated public defenders and shut them out of the now-eight-month-long process to appoint the next head of their office.

The ban had helped the local sheriff rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit from detainee video and phone call fees.

The court’s last term included a slew of cases rolling back defendants’ rights. Progressives hope to reset that trajectory.

Officers trained for the NYPD’s new Neighborhood Safety Teams average nearly double the number of substantiated civilian complaints than the NYPD as a whole.

A new four-judge bloc has consistently voted together in its most recent term, impacting criminal defendants, workers and people suing police.

Two years after the repeal of a state law that kept police performance records secret, documents narrating alleged NYPD abuse are starting to become public. But it could still be years until they’re all released.

More than two years into the pandemic, the Broome County Sheriff’s Office is still prohibiting all jail visits. That helped rake in more than half a million dollars last year.